Humorous Tidbits
John passed on 24 October 2024.
Thus there will be no more of his memos.
He and his memos will be missed.

On these pages we’ve dredged up some humorous/satirical bits from the past.
We begin with a collection of Memos to the Faithful written by John Gaccione for which he wrote this introduction:
Memos to the Faithful Introduction
I started posting comments on the Kensington section of Nextdoor after attending a few KPPCSD board meetings. After each meeting I would try to make sense of what I had seen and heard. Some of the meetings were very contentious with accusations and self-serving statement being the norm.
One prominent group in our community proudly claimed they controlled 1200 faithful voters. The idea of a small group of people being able to control a majority block of voters caught my imagination. After trading comments with several members of this group on Nextdoor I began looking for a better way of expressing my views.
By design I wanted to create something that could lampoon the idea that good people would blindly follow the directions of others. I came upon the idea of doing a memo that would be periodically issued from “headquarters”. It would outline the correct position the faithful should espouse on the hot button issues of the day. But most of all I hoped to interject some much needed humor into the mix of political posts.
Originally the first post was titled “Paul’s 1200 club/Memo to the Faithful”. The name echoed the disgraced TV evangelist Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker’s 700 Club. The style of the memo was a mash-up of club newsletters, corporate memos, religious tracts and political broadsides
Some in the community thought using the name “Paul” in the title could be viewed as offensive. To clarify my intent, a note was added indicated I was referencing the Apostle Paul and his letters to the Corinthians. After the first memo I dropped the reference to Apostle in the title. Later, given the results of the KPPCSD Board election the title was adjusted downward to the 600 Faithful.
The people who commented about the posts noted that if anything the “memos” were too believable. They cautioned that some readers might miss the intended satire. Perhaps they were correct, but I thought it was more important to always state the issues straightforward before adding my views.
That gives you some background on the creation of these “Memos to the 1200 Faithful”. While I do realize that the mix of politics, religion and my sense of humor may not be everyone’s cup of tea, hopefully they can still see and enjoy the humor in the memos.
– John
Paul’s 1200 Club/Memo to the faithful
Put Kensington First / Memo to the 1200 Faithful
Red Bull Revelations/Memo to the 1200 Club Faithful
The Right Stuff/Memo to the 1200 Club Faithful
Chuck & Dave/Memo to the 1200 Faithful
Election Reckoning/Memo to the 600 Faithful
Our Town/Message to the 600 Faithful
Gun Club/Memo to the 600 Faithful
Signs-R-Us/ Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
The Firehouse Five + 2 / Memo to the Faithful
Blue Monday/Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Epiphany Path/Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Helpful not Hurtful / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Spin Cycle / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Midwinter Muse / Memo to the 600 Faithful
Things to Come / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Skeleton Crew / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Nattering Negativism / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Purple Pulp / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Spring Offensive / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Tiny Town / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
The Kensington Inflammatory / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
The Kensington Indefensible / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Signs of Confusion / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Hart Burn/ Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Radio Silence / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Best of Show / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
One Two Three? / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Your M&M / Memo the 600 Club Faithful
Status Quo Quibbling / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Your M&M Part II / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
SNAFU / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
SNAFU Revisited / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
’Twas Ever Thus/ Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Locksteppin’ into the Future / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Old Guard Guide / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
My Funny Valentine / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Fake News / Memo to the 600 Club faithful
Just Say No / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
March Madness / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
The Brotherhood / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Politics as Usual / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
‘Twas Ever Thus, Again / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Lost Dogma / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
(No Names) / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Backing into the Future / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Obstructionists “R” Us / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Meshuga Mailer / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Damnatory Defamation / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Party News / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
Born Again Ordinance / Memo to the 500 Club Faithful
Stymied? / Memo to the 370 Club Faithful
K-town @ Risk / Memo to the 370 Club Faithful
So Last Year / Memo to the 370 Club Faithful
Our Thing / Memo to the 370 Club Faithful
Midsummer Milestone / Memo to the Faithful
Sovereignty / Memo to the 370 Faithful
“News Item” / Memo to the 370 Faithful
Lost Cat / Memo to the 370 Faithful
Old Baggage / Memo to the 370 Faithful
New in Town? / Memo to the 370 Faithful
Trust & Obey / Memo to the 370 Faithful
Modest Proposal 2 / Memo to the 368 Club Faithful
Field Notes / Memo to the 370 Faithful
Time Out / Memo to the 369 Faithful
Optimal Point / Memo to the 369 Faithful
The People’s Remodel / Memo to the 369 Faithful
A Tale of two Kensingtons / Memo to the 369 Faithful
Consolidation, Red Herring? /Memo to the 369 Club Faithful
A Modest Proposal / Memo to the 369 Club Faithful
Park Ramble / Memo to the 368 Club Faithful
All Gone / Memo to the 368 Club Faithful
Reading Politics / Memo to the 368 Club Faithful
Consolidation Pitch / Memo to the 368 Club Faithful
Obvious Solution? / Memo to the 368 Club Faithful
To Oh Two Too! / Memo to the 365 Club Faithful
Annex, Building E / The Park Memo
Let’s Talk / Memo to the Kensingtonian Club Faithful
Egads! / Memo to the Kensingtonian Club Faithful
K-Merge / Memo to the Kensingtonian Club Faithful
6 Years On / Memo to the 1200 Club Faithful
Modest Proposal 3 / Memo to the Pause Faithful
Candidate Round Up / Memo to the Kensingtonian Faithful
Future Saviors / Memo to the Kensingtonian Faithful
4 Runners / Memo to the 840 SKF Faithful
Wheelhouse Blues / Memo to the 840 SKF Faithful
6-Pac Slate / Memo to the 840 SKF Faithful
Voter Guide? / Memo to the SKF Faithful
To Daniel / Memo to the SKF Faithful
$5,000? / Memo to the SKF Faithful
32 Trees / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Nitpicking / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Saved! / Memo to the SKF Faithful
So Close / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Come Wednesday / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Prognosticating / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Retraction / Memo to SKF Faithful
Modest Proposal #4 / Memo to the Save Kensington’s Future Faithful
Midsummer 7 / Memo to the Save Kensington’s Future Faithful
Serpentine / Memo to the Save Kensington’s Future Faithful
Modest Proposal #5 / Memo to the “Thought Leader” Faithful
Old Ideas/ Memo to the SKF Faithful
What? / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Flock Safety / Memo to the Kensington Faithful
Monetizing / Memo to the Kensingtonian Faithful
Take a Hike / Memo to the Kensington Faithful
Heresy? / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Again&Again / Memo to the SKF Faithful