John Gaccione

This post is being reposted because recently it had mysteriously disappeared. I have learned that someone “believed” it would be a violation of the guidelines so thus it was removed. Their belief was based on an interpretation of the content and tone as being mean-spirited and insulting.

Since I was never asked to clarify the intent nor tone, I will do it now. The post was written to express concern about harsh, un-neighborly statements made by one public figure about another public figure. The tone of the post is like all of my “Memos” humorous, topical and hopefully witty.

I whole heartily embrace following the Nextdoor guidelines. And yet we are entering dangerous waters when those who control our communications exercise their personal opinions on what our content, tone and more importantly our intent may be.

SNAFU Revisited / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful


Holy mackerel!  The folks in the digital division are really steamed! They want Headquarters to reel in one of the faithful’s most prestigious digital warriors. The complaint is the digital warrior screwed up a well-orchestrated pitch targeting the current KPPCSD before it reached its intended payoff.

Members of our troll army do a righteous job of mixing fact, fiction and fear. They excel at spouting endless minutia in order to blur basic problems confronting the community. Our legal eagle section is tops when it comes to spinning legalese to further obfuscate complex issues. Where would we be without them? Most likely outsourcing that’s where!

The digital section had seeded the ground with topics that bashed the GM, police services outsourcing, and the Youth Hut retrofit, all to stoke the indignant flames of the respondents. Our usual troll army was activated and ready to rumble. A lot of time and energy was spent setting the tone and crafting the pitch for voting against all KPPCSD incumbents.

And therein lies our problem.

One legal eagle digital warrior went way off the rails with one of their outlandish vindictive digital screeds aimed at a current KPPCSD director. No one has yet been able to stop this person from projecting their own personal problems onto others. Sure their specialty is bullying, but every now and again they have been known to lose it and spin completely out of control. (Gasp!)

But this time their post was so egregious it caused a great uproar and was removed from the site! And this comes at a most critical time when we are just weeks away from the KPPCSD and KFD elections. What was that person thinking?

Whatever actions the executive steering committee decides to take can’t come soon enough. (…Sigh)

Our troll army and amen chorus will be working overtime pumping out a whole lot of middle earth fairy tales, Kensington path pleas, save our sirens and deserving doctor stories to cover over this debacle. (Gulp!)

Clearly someone needs a trip out to the woodshed! Can I get an amen?

“By repetition, each lie becomes an irreversible fact upon which other lies are constructed”. (John le Carre)

Putting Pettifoggery First in K-town since way before 2008.