John Gaccione

Subject: Resolution 2022-24
Date: 12/21/2022
From: The Memo Desk

Isn’t it a pity that the Kensington Fire Protection District Board could not acknowledge Janice Kosel’s 28 years of service?

At the 12/14/22 KFPD Board meeting the outgoing Board President Larry Nagel read a long list of accomplishments commending Director Janice Kosel for her dedicated service to the residents of Kensington. As he was making his way down a long list of “Whereases” the Saving Kensington’s Future in-coming Board President-elect Julie Stein voiced her objection to the resolution.

SKF President-elect Stein proposed to postpone the commendation until January in order for the full board to have an opportunity to read and supply input. The full board was present but had a small amount of time to look over the resolution. The problematic issue for SKF President-elect Stein seemed to be the description of Kosel’s accomplishments.

Upon further consideration, SKF President-elect Stein suggested the formation of an Ad Hoc committee to review the resolution. When it was put up for a vote on the resolution as drafted, it did not pass, so much for acknowledging Janice’s 28 years of service.

Some wonder if the resolution will in fact be brought up before the KFPD Board in January. And that is a sad commentary on the state of Kensington’s balkanized politics. The KFPD Board could have easily approved the resolution commending Janice Kosel as they did for the resolution commending Kevin Padian for his service. But as SKF Board President-elect Stein will tell you, minutia matters.

As was demonstrated in this meeting, the actions of some Saving Kensington’s Future folks on the KFPD Board still remain mired in the petty politics of the past. Is this an example of things to come?

“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath.” (Margaret Atwood)

Note: Satire alert; creative solutions & fresh ideas wanted, contact the KFPD Board President-elect.