John Gaccione


For Winter Solstice Release

We are once again approaching the Winter Solstice with the day having the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. Here at headquarters, it will be time once again for our steering committee retreat. We will be taking stock of what we have accomplished and what we hope to achieve for Kensingtonians in the coming New Year and beyond.

This past year has seen many changes in our Kensington hillside hamlet. The KPPCSD Board has two new directors, both of whom we did not support in the election. Unfortunately our traditionally combined Chief of Police & General Manager has been split into two new separate positions. The KPPCSD Board has hired a consultant to prepare a study to look at more efficient ways to provide police services. The study will also explore the wisdom of contracting with another agency for police services. For many of our “Put Kensington First” faithful these developments would have been completely unthinkable several years ago. It’s like night and day!

While our influence on the KPPCSD Board may be somewhat diminished we continue to work on our long game. First, under the mantle of “concerned tax payers” folks need to continue to advocate for the consolidation of the KPPCSD and the KFD. The KFD runs an efficient department and always seems to have a financial surplus. We need to gain access to those funds to offset the police department’s continual need for additional money. As sure as night follows day, consolidation is the only way forward. Can I get an amen?

Next, we need to gain control of the police services review process now being planned. Some of the faithful don’t see the need for yet another study, they would rather fix what we’ve got, imperfect as it is. But without our expert opinions shaping the process it could lead to contracting with another agency for our police services. And sadly that would be a dark day for all true Kensingtonians.

Fortunately in 2009 a few forward thinking Kensingtonians put in place an initiative ordinance (the so-called Dorroh Ordinance) that stipulates the community must vote on the question of contracting for police services. Whether that ordinance is in fact enforceable or even legal doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter if we incur additional legal costs to determine if it is enforceable. It is clear as day what ultimately matters is there will be a “cat fight” over the issue of contracting.

In addition to these important issues, we have been working day and night to put together a full schedule of timely workshops for participants. Fascinating topics such as; “Gaining Clarity Through Obfuscation”, “New Weasel Words & How to Use Them”, “Obstructionist Ordinance Building”, “ Easy Money thru Consolidation”, “Learn to Litigate like Leviticus”, and “Is Hyperbole Overdone?”.

Be sure to mark your calendar with this up-coming exciting event. Without a doubt our Winter Solstice retreat will brighten your day.

As the venerable Yogi Berra once observed; “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”

Keeping Kensington First in Litigation Since 2008