John Gaccione


For Immediate Release

Holy Moses, yet another 4-page full color edition of the “Kensington Inflammatory” was mailed out to the good folks of Kensington!

It is unfortunate that the executive steering committee chose to scrape the bottom of the barrel again and allowed the “Kensington Inflammatory” to go to press. The faithful around Headquarters are stonewalling inquires about exactly who is organizing, producing and bankrolling this operation. Isn’t it enough to say that it is being written, produced and funded by a diverse group of Kensington residents? Transparency? Can I get an amen?

This time around the so-called “newsletter” is hawking the successful turnout of the faithful supporters of an independent police department at the last Matrix meeting. Some could say it’s a bit self-serving to first incite citizens to attend a meeting and then crow about the big turn out.

The cover story notes that a “handful” of citizens were acknowledged as being critical of the police department as opposed to the overwhelming “dozens” who were supportive of retaining the police department. And thank heaven there were fewer of those truly funky photos of board members in this edition of the mailer.

But who could make heads or tails of the section titled “Our Tax Dollars At Work THE DARK SIDE OF OUTSOURCING PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES What Happened To Our Taxpayers’ Money After Kensington Outsourced Our Fire Services Loss of Local Control, Dramatic Cost Increases”. You can be sure with a title like that the following screed was as convoluted as the title. The junk graph didn’t help to illuminate much either. Hint…hire an editor.

The main point of the mailer is to create the image of an incompetent KPPCSD Board spending taxpayers’ money to challenge the citizen’s voting rights and shut down the police department. While the language has been toned down slightly from the crude previous mailer the political intent remains the same. Sadly the reliance on blatant fear mongering and false information also remains.

So Kensingtonian faithful, let’s remember to always “Put Kensington First”.

“That’s the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody’s going to be against, and everybody’s going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn’t mean anything.” (Noam Chomsky)

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