John Gaccione


Word has come down from the good folks at Headquarters this so-called “satire” business on Nextdoor has got to stop. And this is how the faithful respond.

Start a series of posts based on the satirist’s post, for example; “One of K-ville’s more colorful characters has just posted a message in a group referring to the GM Constantouros/Officer Foley incident that can only be described as hallucinatory.”

The person who assumes the post is about them responds; “People have discussed whether sarcasm or satire such as that seen often in another group is a violation of ND rules…” This establishes the notion satire is a violation of ND rules.

The faithful expand the notion and posts; “…in Local Issues where certain people constantly make nasty and untrue statements about various members of our community.” Reinforcing the point Local Issues is continually nasty and untrue.

Another of the faithful posts; “The ‘satirical’ posts in Local Issues are nothing but outright ridicule.” Stated not as an opinion but as fact. 

Followed up with a post by a another respectful member of the faithful; “Local Issues seems to ridicule basically everyone who does not agree with their moderator’s views.” Echoing Local Issues ridicules everyone who disagrees.

Then an august member of the faithful opines; “The allegedly humorous pieces really are an assault on everyone who disagrees with them.” Escalating satire to assault. 

Finally in a show of civility a member of the faithful posts; “But I also agree with those who point out that Local Issues should be held to the same standard of civility and courtesy as the rest of Nextdoor…” No need to cite any evidence for the claim.

Headquarters wished to make clear that this isn’t just another case of “the pot calling the kettle black”. No, when the faithful issue a critique it is done with maximum respect, sincere civility and steadfast adherence to our Foundational Values. For example, consider this recent post by one of the faithful;

“The only thing that is rotten is the small group of residents who are trying to force their will on the rest of us with lies, hyperbole, and lawsuits. And now they have a board that is complicit. The good news is Kensington citizens are too smart to be manipulated so easily.”

“A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.” (Adlai Stevenson)      

Keeping K-ville Mercifully a Satire Free Zone since 2008