John Gaccione


For Immediate Release

In the wake of the recent KPPCSD board election, headquarters has readjusted the list of our talking points and action items. Please note that we have had to adjust our number downward, but the Faithful was never about quantity, just quality. As we assume the role of a minority block, we need to focus on the issues we can control and resuscitating our base.

KPPCSD Board Elections – The final results of the board election have been published. Unfortunately and inexplicably neither of our stellar candidates received the amount of votes that we had anticipated. It is strange that the large voter turnout chose the other candidates by a 2 to 1 margin. Clearly our message did not reach the voters! Tragically many voters were hoodwinked into thinking that a “reformist” slate would save the district. Of course it goes without saying that the local Contra Costa news source shirked its public duty and engaged in what some right thinking citizens described as “yellow journalism” did much to obscure our message.

The New Board – With the election of two new untried and previously unknown members to the board we can be sure that they will be charting their own course. This was evident during their first meeting when they along with two existing board members refused to even second Mr. Welsh’s motion to re-hire Mr. Hart as interim COP/GM, yet again. Thus we find ourselves sailing off into unchartered waters, and as one past director has opined, “God help us”.

In order to counter the new board’s inclination to digress from the course our previous boards had set and navigated so flawlessly for many years, we need to take the position of the “loyal opposition”. At the last meeting one past director has already started to pave the way by offering up her sage advice to the new board. She has even taken a page from another past director’s playbook, shouting directions to the new board from her seat in the audience. Granted it is somewhat crude, but it did quiet down that small group of nattering nabobs of negativism who attend most meetings.

COP/GM Spilt – For many of our long time Faithful this issue is a real challenge. Two past directors have now publicly acknowledged that they too have seen the light and come to realize that separating the Chief of Police position from the General Manager position is the true way forward. This is not to say that they have broken from the long held belief that the combined position was part of the fabric that made Kensington unique. That belief is unshakable gospel, as is the myth that our fair hamlet is the 5th safest town in the state. The strategic reason these positions need to be separated now is so that way down the road when we get to the issue of consolidation of the KFD and the KPPCSD, our GM will be in place and can control both entities.

Mysterismos – In our new role as the “loyal opposition” we need to continually remind citizens that the new board has thrust our community into very perilous waters. When addressing the new board it may be necessary to assume an attitude of scorn mixed with irony to point out their inexperience concerning board procedures. A raised eyebrow, a curled lip or an up turned nose accompanying comments helps to get the point across. After all, who knows better about the mess we are in then the people who made it?

While it would be difficult to communicate the mysterismos facial gestures when working in the digital realm your tone could certainly suggest it. We have established a crew on ND to shape and direct conversations about the new board’s actions. For example, someone will pose an innocently appearing set of questions, expressing bafflement at what has taken place. One of our verbose “explainers” will then answer the questions. They will drive the conversation toward positions supported by our group. Our “explainers” are also adept at disarming those pesky “vocal few” who attempt to counter our positions and shown them the folly of their wayward thinking.

As an old sage once noted, “facts are inconvenient to the scenario”, so don’t let the election results dampen your zeal to always put Kensington first.

Keeping Kensington Litigious Since 2008