2022 Election
Another election has come and gone for the directors of the KPPCSD and KFPD.
Unfortunately none of the candidates we supported won.
Unfortunately a lot of money and misinformation (lies) led to the Save Kensington’s Future (SKF) slates of candidates for both KPPCSD and the KFD boards winning the election.
This will likely lead to us going back to the old days when the Dorrohs and Gillettes among others ran the KPPCSD for their own interests. The Dorrohs and Gillettes are on the SKF’s steering committee and will likely have their negative influence on the newly elected directors who have little experience and little knowledge of local history.
The results for the KPPCSD are listed below.
KensingtonCA.org supported Mike Logan and Gail Feldman for the KPPCSD, and Janice Kosel for the KFPD.
Mike Logan was on the KPPCSD board and was running for reelection. Gail Feldman is a former KPPCSD director. Janice Kosel was on the KFPD board and was running for reelection.
We expressed our enthusiastic support for reelecting Mike Logan to the KPPCSD board, as well as Janice Kosel for the KFPD board, both are experienced directors who are open to hearing multiple viewpoints on complicated projects.
We also expressed our enthusiastic support for Gail Feldman, for KPPCSD Director. She is exactly what we need at this time, an independent thinker who has fiscal and board experience, and is well versed in Kensington’s issues.
The other candidates we did not endorse. They are all affiliated with Save Kensington’s Future an organization which is based on the mistaken belief that stopping the Public Safety Building renovation can be done at this late date and will save money. It will not. It would be a disaster. They are also of the mistaken belief that the KCC’s programs are at risk. They are not.
Here are some posts that everyone should read:
Just the Facts Folks by Marilyn Stollon and Mabry Benson
More of Marilyn Stollon’s Just the Facts
Save Kensington’s Future 460 Financial Filings
Memo to Kensington Voters, by Tom Dean.
These are the candidates we support:

The final results of the election for KPPCSD directors:
Candidate – Number of votes – percentage
ALEXANDRA AQUINO-FIKE – 2,063 – 25.83%
SARAH A. GOUGH – 2,054 – 25.71%
CASSANDRA ROSE DUGGAN – 1,663 – 20.82%
GAIL FELDMAN – 1,250 – 15.65%
MIKE LOGAN – 958 – 11.99%
Vote Cast 7,988