John Gaccione


Question, how do you market two untested candidates for the KPPCSD board? The chief strategist at Headquarters came up with a brilliant plan.

The strategist proposed a glossy flyer that would essentially contain as little information about the two young candidates as possible. Simply take two little known candidates and package them with an old status quo message to create a new product. Thus the M&M slate was born!

Attach a catchy slogan, something completely innocuous like “Putting You First”.

State the pair brings experienced leadership and fact-based decision-making. But don’t bother to show any evidence to back up these claims or any track record of meaningful public service achievements.

Conjure up several different ways of repeating the message that they have the endorsement of the California Democratic Party. Repeat the endorsement, then repeat and repeat once again.

Like the recent “Kensington Independent” flyer, avoid indicating who wrote the piece and more importantly who or what group funded the effort.

Claim the pair is committed to protect “Your safety, Your Resources, Your Vote”, and they are “Committed to protect Kensington’s rare and precious quality of life”. But provide no details to substantiate the claims.

Use platform section titles such as Your Voice, Your Vote, Your Loved Ones, Your Police and Your Money to highlight the gospel of the 600 Club Faithful.

Wrap the whole thing up in a flyer that is styled to look folksy. Don’t bother to correct text errors so it comes off as being genuine.

And remember to Make Your Voice Heard: Have A House Party!

“The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected”. (Will Rogers)

Bold Leadership to Protect Your Interests First by Putting You First since 2018