John Gaccione


The folks at headquarters have returned from their Midwinter retreat loaded with inspiring good news. All of our workshops were well attended and produced a multitude of spirited debates and discussions.

In the event you were not able to attend this year, listed below are some of the high lights from the workshop programs.

Quite a few of the faithful spoke of the need to re-establish a majority block on the KPPCSD board. All agreed that priority one is the search for strong candidates for this year’s up-coming district election. The current board cries out for our expertise.

Some of the faithful reminisced about the composition of past boards that were comprised predominately of attorneys. They were very adept at bending the law right up to the breaking point. Who could ever forget the board getting boxed in by one of their ill-conceived hasty actions and then justifying their scheme by declaring the Kensington Policy & Procedures Manual was only “advisory”!

Many faithful wished to establish a litmus test for board candidates based on the important issue of keeping our own independent police force. To gain full support from the faithful, candidates would need to pledge keeping our own police department and oppose contracting. Who needs more studies or facts when the faithful already know what is good for Kensington?

It is imperative we preach the gospel of a Kensington always having its very own police department. The issue is not governed by logic, financial responsibility or best practices, it is ruled by a perceived image. Having said that, isn’t it this “image” that makes Kensington…Kensington?

Thank heaven, the dream of consolidating the KPPCSD and the KFD lives on! The faithful voiced their support for the merger of the two districts and increasing the number of board members to oversee the new district. Who said you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear?

Besides gaining access to the KFD’s cash reserve the faithful get an opportunity to populate the new larger board. We would also apply our many years of expert financial KPPCSD experience to the newly consolidated district. And no…it is absolutely nothing like robbing Peter to pay Paul!

So onward Kensingtonian faithful, the challenge now lies ahead of us. Let us go forth, spread the gospel of “Put Kensington First” and rejoice in the knowledge that surely we will prevail.

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” (Groucho Marx)

Keeping Kensington Knee-deep in Litigation since 2008