Radio Silence / Memo to the 600 Club Faithful
John Gaccione
This just in! The guys in the radio shack received a directive from headquarters calling for “radio silence” on Nextdoor. All of the regular faithful posters have been instructed to button it up. Headquarters even managed to corral some of the more fringe posters to go dark.
Except for someone we will call “the legal commissar” the usual cast of suspects have been withholding their fire. Headquarters doesn’t want stray messages to distract from the impending rollout of their board candidates and talking points.
Evidently “the legal commissar” couldn’t restrain himself on a Nextdoor reply and went public with his “top ten” list of complaints aimed at the current KPPCSD board. That may be a preview of what is to come once the faithful crank up their election sloganeering. We could even see yet another issue of the shameful “Kensington Indefensible” to add insult to injury.
No doubt, the faithful will be fielding candidates for open seats on the KPPCSD and KFD boards. We might see a lady who vanished, a middle manager, a ND lead, a retired scientist and a veteran bureaucrat all vie for these seats. As was the case in the prior board election, they didn’t run as a slate. They just shared the same talking points, the same sponsors and the same positions on issues.
For their long game, the faithful are again targeting the Fire Board. Why…because that’s where the money is. By winning seats on the board, the faithful can also begin to sow the seeds for the future consolidation of the KPPCSD and KFD boards.
By capturing seats on the KPPCSD board, the faithful can continue to defend and obfuscate their past misdeeds and fiascos. And defend “the one employee of the district who actually knows how things run”, according to “the legal commissar”. Here’s a hint, it’s not the new general manager.
For now all is quiet on the Nextdoor front. Behind closed doors, the faithful prepare and groom their prospective board candidates for the big reveal. But all too soon the radio silence will be broken by the waves of campaign chatter. Let the chorus of hosannas ring out!
“People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide”. (Will Rogers)
Keeping K-ville First in Pettifoggery since at least 2008.