Old Ideas/ Memo to the SKF Faithful
Date: 09/09/2023
Subject: Ugly Truth? From: The Memo Desk
Some ideas deserve to die.
Perusing the “Letters to the Editor” section in the current issue of the Kensington Outlook, two letters from prominent elder Kensington residents stand out. Both letters make a pitch for the old idea of keeping the police in the remodeled Public Safety Building. Both letters repeat old arguments to buttress their positions.
You no doubt have heard the bogus arguments many times in the past; the Public Safety Building housing the police and fire departments has served Kensington well for 50 years, the present plans can be altered to provide space for the police on the first floor of the remodeled PSB, and the police department needs to be in a central location. As an extra inducement the letters predict police morale would even be enhanced by being in the remodeled PSB.
Each of the letters acknowledges the Kensington police protection and Community Services Board has several new younger directors with new ideas. One letter opines our community is most likely the richest per sq. ft. of anywhere in the world as far as brains and famous scientists like Oppenheimer go, but we can’t forget common sense. While the other letter notes the last election promised new, competent KPPCSD leadership, and we may not be getting that from some of the newcomers on the board. Signs of trouble in paradise?
It seems some of the elders don’t agree with the newly elected Save Kensington’s Future KPPCSD Directors’ decision to stop seeking space for the police in the remodeled PSB. In fact, their letter points out the path the KPPCSD Board has chosen would be racking up significant debt to buy an inferior location and it’s the ugly truth ignored by a shallow analysis that appears to deliver a pre-ordained solution.
Not happy with the KPPCSD’s decision to stop seeking space in the remodeled PSB, the elders go on to say the least expensive options would have the police occupying portable boxes on stilts at impractical locations. Much like they are doing now in their far away location on San Pablo Avenue in the dreaded El Cerrito. Good gracious, boxes on stilts… please say it isn’t so.
The real ugly truth may be some folks can’t seem to accept the independent decisions their elected representatives have made. Even the directors they helped get elected. (Harrumph…)
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” (George Orwell)
Note: Satire alert, Saving Kensington’s future may require everyone to be wheels up on truth.