John Gaccione


Subject: May Day! New directive from Headquarters. 

Problem: Our core message illuminating “Foundational Values” is just not getting through to the good folks in Kensington. 

Solution: The Executive Steering Committee has developed a new suite of tools the faithful can deploy to showcase our “Foundational Values”. And as an extra bonus they can be used to effectively nullify the misguided opposition.

The suite consists of a mix of simple actions along with more complex technological schemes. Shown below is a small sample of the tools available, for example:

When referring to those people who support our views always, always describe them as the “Vast Majority”.  Conversely, when referring to those who disagree with our positions always describe them as a mean spirited, nasty or disrespectful small clique. The faithful need to constantly repeat these words ad nauseam and then repeat and repeat them again.

Our program of discrediting every person, opinion or decision by the current board we oppose has been very effective so far. Don’t be afraid of going negative, negative has always proven to work. Can I get an amen?

The strategy section came up with another innovative tactic that has turned out to be a real showstopper. When confronted with a pesky criticism neutralize it with the retort that the critic is guilty of Ageism! Fun for all ages.

Our lone asset on the board still needs the faithful’s assistance in public meetings. While our asset is doing a smashing job of obfuscation they can’t be expected to shoulder the entire load. The faithful need to step up and lend a hand in supporting the chaos and disorder. Remember, only you can prevent progress.

Rumor has it perhaps the skunk works team might have a few new tricks. There is something they call “Go Baltic” involving a digital outfit in Latvia. This digital program can be custom tailored to each individual target. It is capable of flummoxing opponents without them even knowing they were hacked. Can you say hello Anna?

For those faithful who might question the ethical implications of some of these tools let’s be clear, we are fighting to maintain our locally controlled private police department. In a cat fight, extremism in defense of privilege is no vice.

“A conservative is someone who believes in reform. But not now.” (Mort Sahl)

Keeping K-burg Foundational Values on a slippery slope since 2008