Heresy? / Memo to the SKF Faithful
Date: 04/07/2024
Subject: Independent Trail Blazers
From: The Memo Desk
We’re back in the catbird seat Y’all! Once upon a time, in our quaint hillside village the elders of Kensington conjured up a scheme to regain control of the Kensington Police Protection & Community Services District and the Kensington Fire Protection District. The idea was to assemble a slate of candidates for each district’s board backing these four points;
- Preserve the park for recreation only.
- Keep our police and fire services together in Kensington.
- Unify our currently dysfunctional system of government to better shepherd the people’s tax money.
- Listen to, engage and respect the Kensington people.
A slate of six candidates was assembled and marketed by the elders under the title of “Save Kensington’s Future”. The elders provided more than ample financial backing for the marketing campaign and they knew their target audience very well because all six candidates were elected. That was way back in 2022.
But after advertising the SKF slate would be bringing creative solutions and fresh ideas to Kensington’s problems, things didn’t go according to the elder’s plan. After a creative and fresh in-depth fact-based study, two of the SKF Directors on the KPPCSD Board determined the police could not fit in the remodeled Public Safety Building. There was also some rumbling on the KFPD Board about Director Watt’s persistent efforts to somehow squeeze the police into the PSB. These actions were viewed as heresy by many in the SKF camp.
In response, letters started to appear in the Outlook reminding the wayward Directors that the the 2022 Save Kensington’s Future slate pledge to “Keep Kensington Park for Recreation Only”, “Retrofit and Renovate. Keep Police and Fire in One building” Yard signs with those words got them elected. Uh-oh…
The elders haven’t taken kindly to folks who fail to follow their plans. Our quaint hillside village has seen this scenario play out several times in the past. Those who deviate from the official path face excommunication from the club. Can I get an independent thinker?
“Always follow your own path” (Queen Latifah)
Note: Satire alert, Saving Kensington’s Future is not ours to see, que sera, sera.