Eileen Nottoli

Eileen M. Nottoli, Ph.D., J.D.
Environmental Attorney
Director, Kensington Police Protection and Community Service District
In 4 years, we have made tremendous strides.
As Director: I voted to separate the General Manager and Chief of Police positions, brought onboard a GM and Chief who stabilized the District, and set a course for oversight of taxpayer funds and accountability to the residents of Kensington. I approved the purchase of new desktop and mobile computers, body cameras and 3 new hybrid vehicles for the police.
As Vice President: I managed moving our dispatch services to a less expensive and more reliable provider, hired our first general manager, oversaw the District‘s first comprehensive 2-year and projected 5-year budget, promoted the new District logo and supported revamping our website to be searchable and ADA compliant. I championed the use of Nixle, an emergency alert system, to keep residents safe in an emergency.
As Board President: I voted to renovate the Community Center to provide a beautiful, structurally safe space for Kensington recreation, began the removal of poison oak and dead trees in Kensington Park and added new recycling and garbage cans to our commercial spaces. After a detailed study, I guided the hiring of new employees to add professional financial oversight and modernize our payroll system. I led the revision of the District‘s Policy and Procedure Manual and shepherded a 3-year deal with the Kensington Police Department that gave officers competitive salaries and saved the District money.
I am a long-standing community volunteer with the American Chemical Society, Guide Dogs for the Blind, and the Children‘s Quilt Project East Bay Heritage Quilters.
As a 30+ year Kensington property owner, I care deeply about strengthening our community.
I appreciate your support and respectfully ask for your vote.
Eileen Nottoli
Eileen’s website: