
John Gaccione

Here in Kensington the faithful enjoy a locally controlled independent police department for our small unique community. They know our town and the people. It’s like having our own private police department paid for by the taxpayers. 

The Matrix Group is now recommending looking into changing all that. They are talking about outsourcing in full or in part for vital police functions. This crucial decision will affect our community today and for generations to come. It’s an absolute abomination!

We’ve had a very high level of safety for the last 50 years, except when headquarters needs to declare a crime wave. We have been rated one of the top 10 safest communities in the state, although many of the top safest communities outsource their police services. Beside those inconvenient details, why change something that’s worked so well? Especially for our faithful!

Right now those rascals on the KPPCSD Board are creating a situation where it’s not clear what’s going to happen with our police department. The Matrix Group has finished presenting their Phase 2 key findings and sure enough they are leading us toward outsourcing. If that isn’t criminal, it’s sure in the same room!

Forget Matrix, only the faithful know what’s best for all of Kensington. Our locally controlled independent police department just needs leadership. Yes, of course leadership! Or better yet, think of it like a sports team. A good team needs a good coach. 

If only the KPD had a good chief of police then we wouldn’t have to change anything else. We wouldn’t need to consider contracting with the dreaded El Cerrito. There would be no need to invoke the poison pill ordinance. The problematic talk of CLETS violations, false arrests and intimidation claims would instantly vaporize. 

But those rascals on the Board have us in bed with Matrix. And like any successful consultant, Matrix is looking for ongoing business. This study was just the teaser, the true costs of Matrix’ involvement in Kensington are yet to be determined. We paid them to give us a sales pitch. Holy moly!

Take a tip from officer Foley’s performance on Saturday and in your best “command voice” let those rascals on the Board know the police department is ours… just say no!

“For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.” (Noam Chomsky)

Keeping K-burg Safe from Nattering Nabobs of Negativity since 2008